Innercity SPUCLO – Upgraded SPUI
Cost: 54294
Upkeep: 607/week
Maximum Slope: 0.75 m/cell
With his really small slope and the high capacity this Interchange is perfect for cities. This Interchange is improved at three points against my Innercity SPUI:
1. The lanes of the 2-lane one-way Road doesn´t cross
2. The right turn lane starts at the end of the 6-lane road. The traffic will use all lanes of the 6-Lane-Road
3. You can upgrade easily the 2-lane one-way road and the 4 main highway ramps to the 2-lane highway from the Network Extensions Project (
No Mod is required to build this Intersection, but you should turn off all traffic lights for a better traffic flow (No lanes cross each other).
The Innercity SPUCLO interchange is part of the Innercity Interchange project, which includes this objects:
1. Innercity Turbine
2. Innercity T-Bone
3. Innercity SPUI
4. Innercity Junction
5. Innercity 2-way-split
6. Innercity 3-way-split
7. Innercity curved junction Type A
8. Innercity curved junction Type B
9. Innercity SPUCLO
10. Innercity double junction
11. Innercity Y with rear exit
12. Innercity 6 Highway Interchange
by FightBiscuit