International Airport Layout
Hi everyone,
here is my International Airport Layout from my city Lindblum.
This is a realistic sized airport layout with a working airfield(taxiways and runaways)
and this comes with much more, included is an intersection as entrance for the airport,
cool design bridges as a roof, a train channel and the exactly space for terminals and
train station so that the buildings are connected after placing.
Video: Lindblum International Airport in action
Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough and don’t forget to activate the required mods!
Easiest Handling
You need only to place this asset on a flat area(much space required) and four buildings(terminals and train stations) and the airport will work.
The first planes will arrive the airport(or spawn) after one or two days.
First Pictures will show you more informations and how to place the buildings.
-realistic size of runways
-rail and tram(if upgrade the road) channel with tunnel endings
-cool bridge designe over the rail channel
-intersection for the airport(5 ramp partial clover)
-working runways and taxiways(you don’t need airport roads mod)
-exactly size for two of Joak’s International Airport
-exactly size for two of Svenpatsdams train stationthorildsplan
Required Mods
Network Extensions 2
This intersection use some road types of this mod.
You will need this mod to use this intersection and load the savegame after placing.
Fine Road Tool
This mod is only needed for placing to get the correct bridge settings.
After placing you can load the savegame without this mod.
Quay Anarchy
Quay walls are included, after placing you can load the asset without this mod.
Planes and Airport Assets:
International Airport Collection
Svenpotsdams Airline Collection
Helpful Mods:
Surface Painter
Extra Landscaping Tools
Move It!
Used map theme and LUT for screenshots:
Realistic V1.4.5 European
Don’t forget to rate and leave a comment if you like my work.
More of my creations:
Next Level of Road Design
LUT Collection
My favorite Interchange
My Artwork
My other Airport Assets:
Small International Airport(only one runway)
Airport interchange