Kinki Sharyo made Light Rail Vehicle Type 7, Single tram, MBTA
KS-LRV-TYPE7-MBTA-Single by bubbac2005
Kinki Sharyo made Light Rail Vehicle Type 7, Single tram.
The work horse of Boston’s Green Line for 30 years and counting. I couldn’t live with having trams and my MBTA Buses, and not having these things on the streets.. it looks awesome. Was a huge pain in the butt..
Each Tram is 3 cars. The front end, and back end, each hold 60 people, while the mid section holds 10. (I have ridden these forever, you can cram 10 or more people in that circle.) For a total of 130 people per tram.
This version is the single version (130 people) which is common for non peak hours, and lesser used branches.
There is also a 2 trams combined version available, which is pretty standard. It has a total capacity of 260.
Green Stripe changes to line color.
NOTE: The incorrect door texture in the screens has been fixed.