Koban – Japanese police box. 1×1 (AD)
Koban – Japanese policebox 1×1 by stmSantana (After Dark)
+ Required Asset: [prop] police bicycle01
A kōban (交番) is a small neighborhood police station found in Japan.
Kōban also refers to the smallest organizational unit in today’s Japanese police system.
In addition to central police stations, Japanese uniformed police work is done from small buildings located within the community, a form of community policing. As of 2007, there are about 6,000 kōban all over Japan.
Since the 1990s, many of them are found with signs in Roman letters: “Koban”.
After Darkの新機能として、犯罪者を7名まで留めるブタ箱付き。夜になると赤ランプと窓が光ります。
Cost: 3500 (Vanilla Police station: 12000)
Maintenance cost: 800 (3000)
Police car: 2 (10)
Workers: 2/4/0/2 (16/2/14/8)
PD Accumulation: 30 (75)
PD Radius: 300 (700)
Jail Capacity: 7 (20)
4.01 – Sep 29 – Fix: light position
4.00 – Sep 28 – Add: Red light (After Dark)
1.04 – June 14 – Add: police bicycle prop.
1.03 – May 20 – Working @skylines v1.1.0b
1.02 – May 19 – Add: LoD
1.01 – May 18 – Fix: Underground texture