Laffie’s Modified-RM1985 v1
Laffie’s Modified-RM1985 v1.
This roundabout was originally made by RM1985 and can be found at .
I have modified it to suit a inner city environment and to funtion as a highway on/off ramp.
If you do not use Traffic Manager to remove all traffic lights (there’s some in the underground tunnels as well) then the interchange will be VERY inefficient.
It is also highly recommended that you use Traffic++ to improve the efficiency of the interchange. If not it may lock up at times. Copy my suggested configuration shown above for the best results.
Additional tips to improve it’s efficiency:
-Use Traffic++ to increase the speed limit of the bypass roads to 100, and reduce the speed of the entire roundabout after the bypass-exits to 60. This will prevent any car that wishes to not turn left/right to always use the bypass, reducing congestions.
-Use the district tool to make a heavy traffic ban in the core. If not it may get overloaded with traffic and lock up.
-Change the bypass roads to 2-lane 1 way roads in case of very heavy loads, this will improve efficiency some, but shouldn’t be necessary in most cases. If doing so you MUST change the speed limit of it, if not it will not be used.
-Make sure to have more city entrances/exits. This interchange will NOT handle it as well as most other interchanges, and it is it’s main weakness.