Lai’Vaila – A Tropical Paradise
A Tropical Paradise
Lai’Vaila is my first published Steam Workshop map, featuring a small series of islands. Located roughly in between New Zealand and Hawai’i, this small rocky archipelagohas been left mostly undeveloped. A few sturctures remain from the previous projects which were abruptly stopped at the begining of World War II. Now with small patches of jungle having taken over the roads which mostly all covered with grass and different shrubs.
This uses the Cleyra Map Theme in the ‘Tropical’ setting, but any theme can be used (LUT is wahtever you want.).
This map maybe quite small, but includes a lot of detail, if you fear that your game will lag a lot, then do not subscribe to the ‘Meadow Grass’, as there are over 500 of these used in the map.
This map is mostly a detail oriented map and there is not too much place to build or other.
Th is map looks better (for some reason) in the ‘Map Editor’.
This is my first steam worshop map, so any and all feeback is wanted!