Lead Cooled Fast Reactor
Powerplant details:
Basic Details
-Overnight capital cost: €1 000 000
-Power output: 1280 MWe per reactor 2560 MWe for the entire plant
-Operating cost: €15000
-Overnight Capital Cost Per MWe: €390.62
-Operating Cost Per MWe: €5.85
Pollution and Garbage
-Garbage Accumulation: 50
-Noise accumulation: 50
-Noise Radius- 200
-No ground pollution
Water Usage
-Sewage Accumulation: 30
-Water consumption: 600
-Educated Workers: 50 (presumably the sucurity guards)
-Highly Educated Workers: 220
-Uneducated Workers: 0
-Well Educated Workers: 450
This lead cooled fast reactor contains several improvements over the reactor in the game to make it more realistic. I intend to over time develop this structure into a new building with it’s own model, currently all that is there is the existing model and some modifications to the different values.
These improvements include:
-more realistic hiring for workers (primarily highly educated and well educated)
-a much higher power output. (close to the the ESBWR in output)
-a much higher startup cost, and an extremely low operating cost.
-steam coming out of the cooling towers
-a higher water consumption and a lower sewage output (most water goes to the cooling towers)
-more parking spaces