Lenton Apartments
This apartment (L4, 4×3) is based on the ones found in Lenton, Nottingham, in the UK. I saw some photos of them and just felt like I really wanted to have their simple, concrete forms in my city. So here they are, and you can have them in your city too! I’m not entirely positive if they count as brutalist or not, but I’m a bit of a sucker for the aesthetic of these concrete monoliths. I did take some liberties on the roof, as I couldn’t really get a good look at them on google maps and they’re just not famous enough to result in easy to find photos. I also wasn’t quite sure what level to make them, I settled on 4 as they’re about the right height, and I wanted something that would stick around for awhile before the building upgrades again. Although these are actually found in a more suburban area in real life, they’ll be right at home in a city too. It’s an admittedly simple model, but sometimes that’s just what a city needs.
Tri Count: 1604
LOD Tri Count: 126
Map Size: 1024×1024
LOD Map Size: 256×256
Maps: Diffuse, Illumination, Specular, Normal
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