Lesser Town Bridge Tower Prague
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions – A video shows more than 1000 pictures.
It is a gate tower on the western end of the Charles Bridge.
Both towers also work great as gates in city walls.
ingame data:
footprint: 4×2
construction costs: 62,500
maintenance consts: 1000
tourists: 125/150/150
workers: 0/2/0/0
technical data:
main: 2821 tris; 2048x1024px _d; _a; _n; _s; _i texture
LOD: 112 tris; 64x64px _d texture
Tags: bridge tower Brückenturm mostecká věž Charles Bridge Karlsbrücke Karlův most Prague Prag Praha Czech Republic Česko Tschechien Renaissance europäisch european medieval middle ages mittelalterlich historic historisch gotisch gothic