Livestock spawner (46×46 size)
This is a ploppable invisible lot that spawns walking animals that have the Livestock AI. it spawns 20 animals that walk around in a 46×46 tile sized area. i made this to give agricultural areas a lot more influx of life.
this is a large area thus make large fields if you dont want animals walking over your roads.
does not provide jobs or resources. purely decorational.
Q: Can u make this rico ?
A: No, because it breaks the spawning of animals.
Q: Can u make a smaller version ?
A: Not at the moment because normal animal spawners are buggy and unreliable
Q: How do i find this ?
A: Use findit and type in livestock extract 5
Q: Can u make this functional for jobs and resources
A: no.
Q: Can i select which animals spawn ?
A: no, selection is randomized, sometimes you will have cows, sometimes pigs, if you want a field of only one animal type delete the spawner that spawns the wrong animal type and plop again untill you have the effect you want.
Q: it asks for road connection, is it necessary ?
A: no its not, works without.
Q: can you get rid of unhappiness ?
A: no
Q: building says its not operating
A: because its not supposed to. ignore this.
To @deczaah for testing.
to @hadece for starting the idea.
Please consider supporting me on Patreon because im a poor bum