Low Density Industrial – H2 (4×4) Big Factory02
Spice up your neighborhood with some unique looking properties that the game already offers! This is low density industrial (agricultural) property that is randomly growable in game. This item was altered purely cosmetically and offers no negative/positive bonuses. The property comes in various colors as well.
All modified specs will be stated in the description if they are altered. All alterations are with a logical and balanced mindset at the helm. None of my created items offer anything that might unbalance your game play. Should you see anything that needs to be changed, feel free to message me directly or post a comment down below.
To download, simply click “Subscribe” and the content will automatically download into your game. You can turn it off/on by going under the “Content Manager” and “Assests” tab in game. Enjoy!
**Editor’s Note** – Please also subscribe to the items to the right so this addition grows properly. This gorwable plot contains chain link fencing, concrete barricades and an excavator that are unique cosmetic assets. Parking space have been altered slightly in the front as well.
*Works with all DLC*