Low Pedestrian Overpass – 2 Lanes (Overhang)
This lot uses an overhanging model, so it suits any 2-lane road. It is placed on the road side.
Surface height: 5.3m
Clearance height: 4.4m
Size: 2 long, 2 wide.
Entertainment Accumulation: 10
Entertainment Radius: 100
Tourists: 10/10/10 (Low/ Mid/ High Wealth)
Water, Electricity, and Sewage free.
Construction Cost: 500
Maintenance Cost: 25
Garbage Accumulation: 1
Fire Hazard: 0
Fire Tolerance: 20
No color variation available. (A limitation placed on park assets.)
Model Info:
Maps used: Diffuse, specular, UV maps (1024 x 1024)
Raw model triangle count: 5032 tris
LOD model triangle count: 158 tris (LOD texture auto-generated)
Note: Any crossroads near enough can prevent people from choosing the overpass to cross the street.
When Cims want to cross the road from the pedestrian paths, they will walk to the sidewalks first, then turn around to take the overpass. Unfortunately, I cannot fix this behavior.
The other version that suits any 4-to-6-lane roads:
Original 2-lane version [Deprecated]:
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