Manhattan Apartments 1, Manhattan, New York, New York, USA (GROWABLE)
This is the first of a set of high rise Residential Buildings for your New York City.
They are taller than the in in – game Level 5 buildings and will blend nicely with the 1:1 Landmarks.
They are also 1950’s New York Classic (International Style), not the Futuristic in – game style.
For realism only zone these in Tribeca, Financial District, Midtown, Upper East Side, Upper West Side.
Adjust your District Zoning for other areas with high rise Ban, or use District Styles or Force Cap Level Mod.
To get the best out of these zone High Residential 4×4 (DON’T use fill) , then gap 4×4 next to it, zone 4×4 etc, fill in gaps with 4×4 High Residential when the 4×4*s start building. They seem, to like building next to each other.
High Residential Skyscraper Buildings will only appear with these coverages: Fire, Police, Health (including Sauna), Parks/Landmarks, Education (Elem, Coll, and Uni) Garbage and Sewage Removal, Crematoria, Low Air Pollution/Clean Water, Low crime, Low Noise (use tree roads), Quick Work access and Medium to High Demand.
GROWABLE ONLY (126 Residents)
RICO (150 Residents) for PLOP
After Dark NOT required
Scale: 1:1
Lot size: 4 x4
Level: Level 5
Build: 45 Sec Build Time
Variations: 3 Colors – Grey, Chocolate and Green (Random – Game decides)
Misc: 2 Entry Points
Height: 120m
High Definition Texture
Fixed and Dynamic Random Lighting
Tru-shine window reflection
On road parking only
Triangles: 256
Edges: 202
Faces: 79
Layers: 1
Materials: 7
Styles: 3
Lod Tris: 75
Texture: 1024 x 1024
Lod texture: 512 x 512
Maps: d, i, s (and lods)
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