martial- forest shop L1
L1 2×2 LDC shop with organic icecream stall and martial arts school in the backyard + upper storeys.
“There’s even wood for break-tests in the backyard, sponsored by the FF”
Disclaimer: Residential and commercial buildings of the Transitional Urban Agriculture collection (TUA) have mixed levels and are meant to be used together to give a city a conistent appearance.Some of the assets probably not grow into the same thing, sadly. Working on that though. Help + Info appreciated. Please rate if you like!
Also, read the collections description if you want to know what’s the motivational roots of this asset.
by forestfey
C-LOG: edit title+ info, added explanatory “story”. Census-help by Forkboy22
C-LOG 2: updated props and list of same. Again, no more icecream sold on the sidewalk, but hotdogs instead.