MCI MC-12 Greyhound
Prop version
This particular design of the Greyhound Americruiser was built in 1996. It sported a Detroit Diesel 6V92TA engine according to a Greyhound wiki. Some of these buses were even transferred to Canada. However for this particular bus we felt that the American flag was iconic to this design. I had the 1979 MCI MC-8 Americruiser as a toy growing up, and for a short-time recall the MC-12 shooting back and forth from Toronto as well. This asset is very special to me and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
The colour scheme of this design should remain unaffected when using such mods as the IPT – Improved Public Transport 3.8.8.
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to DanDeKalb for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference DanDeKalb if further adaptations are to be made.
Bus capacity:50
Main model
Triangle count:1410
1024×1024 texture
LOD model
Triangle count:98
128×128 texture