I’ve been working on this for a few days now. I wanted to create a really natural, balanced, not-too-flat, not-too-busy map that lends itself to some interesting city development.
It’s a chunk of land slightly north of McKinleyville CA, heightmap sourced from the wonderful terrain.party website. Selected purely because I was browsing the world and happened to think this bit looked interesting.
I’ve edited it to some extent, to make things more diverse, fun, challenging, more suitable for building.
It has a thickly forested region of valleys toward the back of the map, which funnel various streams into a very powerful central river. Very high hydro-electric potential – just remember you don’t need to build the dam *too* tall, otherwise it’ll just end up taking over 5 years to fill up the yawning valley behind it and start working, all for the same power output.
I’ve tried to place resources intelligently. There are a couple of accessible forests on the flatter areas (and a lot more inaccessible ones), a couple of oil patches in the hills, and lots of ore in the mountains, but accessing it may be challenging. There’s a lovely fertile valley at the foot of the mountains that is nicely sheltered, should make for some picturesque farmland.
It’s all connected up and I’ve tried to make the starting highway potentially useful to future expansion, including a useful highway junction in the starting area that will hopefully avoid the “how do I connect this up?” issue at the start of the game. Just run whatever connecting road you want straight off of the junction roundabout.
I was a bit torn selecting a starting tile. The center one didn’t have enough buildable land, and another next to looked good but had no access to water. I think the one I picked is probably the most balanced.
Let me know what you think!