MCP small roundabout 4 in 4 out module (needs 4 highway entrances, and exits to work well)
*Modular city project* Main industry module:
Warning: do not use this as intercharger, will not work well. its a block made to have 4 inputs and 4 exits.
if you have traffic using it that is only passing and does not uses the industry, you need to tweak it a little, cause it cannot handle huge traffic from 1 direction! its a meatgrinder that needs to grind the traffic.
if well connected, you should hardly have traffic using the upper roundabout, they will only use it cause its a shorter direction. i changed it to industry block, and you need “feeding highwaylines” so do not use it ase main highway for long-distance traffic!!!
This is the main module, connect several modules directly to each other, and also to a highway.
this module is easy to extend and fille gap’s between modules. also other modules can be used.
also great in combination with other popular intersections.
the main goal is no more traffic jams,
alot big roads are used, so its not cheap (75000) and will cost 850€ a week in upkleep (need to check)
could be used to create a full city, or just small parts.
Always connect the 4 inputs, and the 4 exits, otherwise it will jam again.
for shop’s, use the high capacity module, or have alot shop’s everywhere around the city.
i like them in 1 zone, and draw huge traffic to it.
for more heavy traffic, you might want to remove the exits on the lower roundabout… and remove 2 small middle exits on the middle on top… but if youre city layout is ok, they should entere 25% at each side, and then there is no problem.
this may make it more difficould for city services to cover some area’s, so you may need to add some services when removing exits… its also good to expand the roundabout, and make it 3 layers high, or just bigger, with inner and outer roundabout on top… if you have problems, just modify it a little. (or fix the 25% input traffic at each input).
this is not a highway intersection, and you will get trouble if you use it as such.
i am building a city using this blocks as basic layout, and combine it with high capacity block and other intersections for the main highway’s, i want to note that you need level 3 houses before you can make profit due to high upkeep.
its has to much highway to use as basic block, its good for industry of heavy traffic area’s, because it gets picked up a little i will publish an other block, to build residential area’s
update 2: you might want the first and or second module before this block’s.
the second module is made to distribute incoming traffic to 3 sides, and this block is totally not good for that! i ran into troubles ( 500 000 peeps )