Medium Elevated Station
Medium Elevated Station
It is the elevated station of the middle scale.
It is for a train of four or five formation.
Because texture is not compressed, asset size exceeds 15 megabytes when add _s, _n, _i;, thus, these texture does not apply it now.
You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod.
Gameplay common:
Construction Cost: 15000
Maintenance Cost: 800
Sewage Accumulation: 25
Water Consumption: 25
EducatedWokers: 3
HighEducatedWokers: 2
UneducatedWokers: 6
WellEducatedWokers: 2
Triangle : 1342
Texture : 1024 x 1024
*** Change Log ***
6/Oct : modify pedestrian paths