Mercedes-Benz O405 N2
Mercedes-Benz O405 N2 by pauliaxz
The Mercedes-Benz O405N2 – Low-floor city bus produced in 1993-2001 by Mercedes-Benz.
It is the successor to the Mercedes-Benz O405N produced in 1990-1996. The most important difference compared with its predecessor are larger side windows, as well as richer interior fittings. Its successor is the Citaro (O530).
Capacity – 30 [as default in-game]Max Speed – 20 (100 km/h) [as default in-game]Color interchangable (lower and upper body parts, roof)
2636 tris.
It is advisable to use:
IPT – Improved Public Transport
In order to change its passenger capacity to the real value – 102.
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