Mercia (European theme)
A fictional map designed to have the feel of northwest England (known as Mercia to the Anglo-Saxons).
The playable part of the map is largely flat with some gentle hills. You can find ore and oil in the outer squares and fertile land in the inner ones. There are three main highways (connected with a classic English roundabout junction and a trumpet) as well as rail, sea and air links. You can build a dam at the southern end of the river that runs parallel to the starting tile, upstream of the bridge (I’ve tested this).
If you want the map to look as it does in the pics, you’ll need the map themes, LUT (a beautiful one by OWL) and trees I’ve included in the collection.
This is the first map I’ve made (it was fun and I might do another!) so if you have any comments or tips, let me know!