Metal Fence with lights Type-05
This mini-pack includes four assets:
- double fence section with lanterns and decorations;
- double fence section with decorations (no lanterns);
- pole with lantern (to complete the fence line);
- pole with decoration (to complete the fence line);
- metal grill for gate.
This asset should be used only with the Network Skins!
Without Network Skins lights does not light!
Also available Concrete Fence with lights Type-03 and Stone Fence with lights Type-17.
During the construction (upgrade) of roads, these assets are not visible in the Network Skins menu – this is not bug, this is feature!
In the asset editor these assets are in Residental/Home Yard.
In-game lanterns are in Residental.
Each asset has a custom icon.
These models are specifically designed for use with the Prop Line Tool.
To gain access to this asset in-game, not only in the editor use More Beautification MOD
Чтобы PLT размещал ассеты без просветов между секциями в его настройках снимите галочку “Auto-Default” и уменьшите длину на 10-20см используя кнопку “-0.1”
I also recommend the following MODs:
- Prop & Tree Anarchy – place props & trees wherever you like;
- Prop Fine Tune – fine tuning angle by arrow key
Thanks to SonOfNitrous and Gennady Borisov for their help in testing.
News of Russian-speaking community Cities: Skylines – on our page vKontakte: Cities: Skylines[vk.com]
The reference table below are the names of the main characteristics and assets icons.