Mini Hong Kong (Boreal)
Mini Hong Kong (Boreal)
it is developed based on
Other Hong Kong Map:
Mini Hong Kong (European):
Hong Kong West:
Only this one will be updated in the future due to limit of time. I am sorry for that.
What make this map outstanding from other alternatives?
1. There are reservoirs with water source
2. Beaches can be found, and hiking trails is able to be built in some area
3. Land was flattened without much sacrifice of original landscape (Most mountains are still there!)
4. Good coverage of airplane and ship path
5. Ore, oil, fertile land can be found
6. Most region of Hong Kong are covered by 25 tiles. Mayor can expand their city to south/west Lantau island and Shenzhen using 81 tiles MOD. LOL
7. The author aims to make it the best Hong Kong map in Cities: Skylines ?
The arrows and crosses in the water and land picture indicate the water flow (but some flows reverse in-game, I have no idea why it happens) and the water sources, and the location of red lines should be an ideal location for DAM.
Please let me know if you have any problems or ideas. Thanks for subscribing.
26th September 2015
Assets you may need:
Bank of China:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=530820474
Central Plaza:
Clock Tower:
Hong Kong Coliseum:
MTR station:
Some MODs:
81 tiles Mod: