Miyagi Motors Dealership
Completely retextured CS building with its own props and logos. Made to look like a higher-end dealership with dark grey and red accents and a high end dealership interior visible day and night.
LEVEL 3 LOW-DENSITY COMMERCIAL: this means nothing will replace these. Once your commercial reaches level 3, these will start spawning and not be replaced unless abandoned.
Yes, I would have made it with the new glass modeling, but that’s far beyond my abilites. If you make one that we can put prop cars into, please leave us a message below!!
Thanks to the creators who made the additional props and tree, and especially for the Merkur XR4ti by Archie Cuntingham, made me so happy to see it here in the workshop!
Thanks most especially to Avanya, whose guide on how to retexture an asset using Mod Tools and Blender 3D software really made this possible. Learn how to do it here: