Modular Bus Station
*Needs After Dark DLC*
I really missed a bus terminal that fit the european buildings better than the default one, so I decided to make one. I decided to not have a main building for it as the ones I looked at for inspiration are either next to or in front of a train station or have the bus depot with them. I also wanted it to be fairly small, but look good when several were placed together, so it worked as both a small and large one.
I settled on a 4×5 footprint which has 4 stops on it. When you place 3 together you get 12 stops and it takes up a little less space than the default bus terminal. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Note: Placing this on the corner of two roads causes busses (and at least some vehicles) to take shortcuts in/out of the side of the station. To avoid this you can either move it 2+ squares from an intersection or make the footprint of it larger in the asset editor (this will make it look a bit silly when several are next to each other).
Cost: 15000
Upkeep: 560/week
Electricity: 320 KW
Noise pollution: 50
Tris: 2202
Texture: 1024
Tris: 156
Texture: 128