Modular Bus Stop by Akyhne
Modular Bus Stop by Akyhne (no After Dark needed)
This bus stop (as a park), is very compact, only using 13×6 tiles and offering 12 possible bus stops.
You need to add internal roads to the asset and connect the one-way roads.
The asset emulates a bus station.
* Modular
* Compact
* Very customizable!*
* A minimum of 12 bus stops – you can also add additional stops to the connected roads.
* Besides the tiny connections you need to make the one-way roads, you’re pretty free to do as you like, outside the bus stop parks.
* Uses roads from the Network Extensions Project. This mod needs to be installed!
* Can be a bit tricky to connect roads to. Watch the video on how to solve!
How to use:
A video says more than a thousand words.
Use it similar as in the video. Don’t just connect the entrances and exits to a main road. It will stop traffic! Again… watch the video.
Do You need it?
Well, you can make something similar with just roads, but you will not get the park view. Also, when creating the same with just roads, there can only be one bus stop per road.
This is because roads on assets are treated as seperate roads, hence when adding an entrance and exit connection, gives you additional 2 stops per road.
Electricity Consumption – 1
Construction Cost – 5.000
Maintenance Cost – 100
Low Wealth – 50
Medium – 50
High – 50
Water – 0
Accumulation – 50
Radius – 400
Also check out my other bus stop and my other assets.