Monorail Rollercoaster
A fully functional rollercoaster, made out of the Mass Transit monorail. Complete with space for two monorail stations.
It’s an intersection, so you’ll find it under Roads > Intersections.
Props in the screenshots are not included; decorate to your own taste!
Mass Transit DLC (For the monorail)
Fine Road Anarchy (enable Anarchy Mode for placement, otherwise you’ll get “Slope Too Steep”)
Place the track
Delete the short two-way tracks
Place stations where the two-way tracks were. (Either vanilla or workshop station.)
Connect the lines to the station with a one-way track (Monorails are a bit fiddly, make sure you connect from the track, not the pillar!) Make sure they go in the right direction!
Create a line from one station to the other and back.
That’s it! You now have an animated rollercoaster in Cities Skylines!
If you want Cims to actually use it, keep the second station and its roads only reachable via the rollercoaster, then add buildings on that side. Cims will then use it as public transport.
If you run into any problems or have any questions, please let me know!
And of course all comments, likes and favs are much appreciated! I’d love to see the rollercoaster in action in your city!