Moving Sun
Sun automacially moves in a full day cycle, slowly changing the appearance of your city throughout the day. It sets in the west, and rises immediately in the east (skipping night time).
Select a speed, save your settings, hide the interface, enjoy the game.
Default hot-key to hide/show the interface is “P”. Change it to anything from within the interface and save.
Default Behavior:
Speed is set to complete a day cycle in about 1 Minute. You can use the slider to adjust this setting. From 1 second to about 24 hours.
Recommended Setting:
I prefer to set a full day cycle at 3-5 minutes.
Set the speed to 0, and adjust sun direcition manually. (It will calculate elevation, tint, and brightness four you)
Turn off “Auto” and you can make changes to any of the settings.
Speed will multiply with the game simulation speed.
Works perfectly with the SunShafts mod. (recommended, makes sunrise/sunset look great)
Not sure where west is? Try the Compass Mod
1. Speed Slider Improvements.
2. Better range of cycle-times, really slow (almost 24 hours) or as fast as 1 second
2. Display of cycle in Realtime minutes and seconds
3. Resizeable Window (offering bigger sliders, and finer tuning)
4. Hemisphere switching fom North to South.
Menu is now hidden by default on startup.