New Orleans Disasters Scenario
New Orleans Disaster DLC Scenario With most of the city’s land below sea level, exposure to hurricanes and their storm surge, and located in an area where tornadoes are possible, New Orleans is a challenging location to maintain a city, much less one that thrives. It’s a wonderful place, so let’s try to do it right this time and do well for the citizens of The Big Easy!
No DLC? You can get the original map project here! –
Bayou items collection:
* Chirps: Snarky Cajun Chirps!
* Scenario (disaster and non-disaster) events with humorous story messages
* Disasters: spaced out, intermittent. I tried hard not to bombard you, but don’t worry, they’re coming!
* Start your city from scratch (brand new city on the New Orleans decorated map), no unlimited money, no unlock all
* Unlimited time, designed for long play: No win or lose condition so you can play as long as you like. Having your city thrive given this region’s natural disasters is win enough for me. You will continue to have the chance of a yearly hurricane-related event or a smaller disaster in the off-season
**Every disaster for this scenario has a story message, so if you’re getting disasters without story (and you’ll probably be getting way too many disasters by the way), then you probably have random disasters turned on. Please turn off the random disasters on Options Menu, Gameplay. You’ll be getting plenty with the ones already designed into the scenario, but they’re spaced out timewise.
This is the original map project by me, Soruvisu and Agusingnavy, and Mr Maison’s local native trees. I also highly recommend his native Live Oak and Southern Live Oak (they would have been in this map but were published later).
It has true to life land elevations and river / sea level. This means that much of your land is below sea level. If you have a hurricane or storm surge, you’re going to have to invest in the services buildings (water management and emergency services) that handle this issue.
This is a first scenario from me. I hope you like it, but most of all I hope you leave some comments no matter what they are, so that scenario design can improve as we learn how to make them.
There is one early, small disaster just because I know a lot of you will want to see what happens ? This serves as a test to make sure the disasters were input right. If you aren’t getting disasters for a long time (years) after that, it means that you haven’t fulfilled some of the parameters for a disaster to occur, so just keep saving up because when the big one does hit, it’s a whopper!
From then on, annual “hurricane season” disasters have a chance of occurring. These include moderate and heavy tropical storms, lightning of course, and storm surge (here simulated by tsunami).
<3 To all the locals who went through Katrina, this is made with great love and respect. We’ll never forget what you went through – I see this as just one way of reminding a quickly forgetful world what happened. <3
The following is here only for this first scenario, so you and I can be sure that all functions as planned.
Planned disasters, several might repeat but only given certain parameters and they also have cooldown rules to limit being hit by too many repeatedly:
– A minor disaster that I cannot reveal because it will give away why it happened. It’s funny, though!
– Smaller, occasional T storms and tornadoes of varied intensity, one quirky silly disaster
– A medium tropical storm with the possibility of repeat
– A major storm surge event which has a chance to repeat once or twice but no sooner than two years apart.
– Major hurricane (think: a whole lot of disasters all at once) can happen two or three times, but again no less than 2 years apart. Gotta rebuild!