Nickel Savings Bank
Nickel Savings Bank by Khrysler
A small bank building with humble brick and stone design which was common in 1930s.
This one can be a good alternative growable to Dime Savings Bank.
I made this one when I was struggling with design for Lv1 2×3 corner building. I sort of finished this one first but I didn’t publish it because I didn’t lke it…and was going to delete it! Then joeymozzer asked for the alternative and I looked at it again. I changed up some textures and I think it actually looks good now. Enjoy!
Asset Info:
Growable – 2×3 Corner – Level 1 Office Building
MODEL – 237 triangles with 1024×512 textures (d,c,i,n,s)
LOD – 10 triangles with 256×128 textures (d,c,i,s)