No Seagulls
The mod does two things:
– it patches the relevant AIs so that seagulls are no longer created
– once a game has loaded, it looks up all seagulls and asks CitizenManager to let them go.
The changes are not permanent: if you disable the mod, the game starts creating seagulls again.
The unmodded game can create quite many seagulls. Here’s some trivia:
Each cargo harbor has 5 seagulls.
Each harbor has 5 seagulls.
Each landfill site has 3 seagulls.
Each park has at least one seagull. The exact number depends on the park size and there is also a small random factor. For example, the large park (12×13) always has 7 or 8 of them. 5×5 parks have 1 or 2.
My city of 110 000 had 448 seagulls. Each seagull counts as a citizen instance, and the game can only have 65535 of them.
Using cities-skylines-detour by Sebastian Schöner (
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