Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine by MrMaison
The Norfolk Island Pine is a forest giant originally from a small Island in the south Pacific (Norfolk Island) between New Zealand and New Caladonia. It is very symetrical more as a young tree than when it becomes an adult. It actually releases edible seeds at maturity. It has been planted around the world as ornamental trees but it grows to great heights in it’s natural habitat.
More info here
This is a 2 piece set containing a mature tall version (Norfolk Island Pine) and a smaller young version (Norfolk Island Pine Young).
This is another tri/texture-expensive tree. What I discovered is that if a tree uses leaves that produce more transparency in the texture, the LOD is affected. The more solid area, the stronger the autogenerated LOD for trees so I went with 2048 for these as the smaller sizes produced horrible auto LODs. But just like the rest of my trees I did not experience any performance issues.
Norfolk Island Pine- 3525 tris 2048 texture
Norfolk Island Pine Young- 2253 tris 2048 texture
Normal map for bark included
For those who don’t know, I strongly suggest Daylight Classic mod to fight the game’s yellow hue.
As usual, I strongly suggest Boformer’s Random Tree Rotation mod
And his LOD Toggler mod
Also BloodyPenguin’s No Radioactive Mod
And Prop and Tree Anarchy
Sharp Textures mod really makes a difference in how the foliage looks in game
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