NOT FOR SNOWFALL! Bombardier Transportation Flexity Classic Bremen 1way
Non Snowfall!
Another tram from Bombardier: This is the Flexity Classic variant used in Bremen, Germany. Complete with night lighting. I tested around a bit and this is what came out. Tell me, what you think ?
Speed is set to 80 km/h So best used on own inner city tram networks. Color of the livery depends on the line color. Since its a one-way vehicle in reality, only the right side has painted doors. (Two way version coming).
Made possible with Asset Vehicle Editor (Thanks a lot for this!)
Mod is not required to get it on your tracks.
Name ingame: BT FLXTY CLSC 1way
Stats (Close-up/LOD):
512×512 (128/128) each car
Car 1: 551/68
Car 2: 423/73
Car 3: 623/61