Oceanview Limited Streamlined Passenger Train
The Most Beautiful Train in the World comes to the most CPU-heavy game in the world!
Crusing the California coast between Los Angeles and San Fransisco, (or whatever their fictional equivalents are) the Oceanview Limited was the premiere passenger train of the now defunct Coast Range Railway. Painted in striking orange and red, the streamlined consist ran daily between the late 1930s and the dawn of dieselization in the mid 1950s. This train is inspired by the Southern Pacific Daylight trains, and is a full streamlined trainset roughly approximating a 1/2 length train of the original prototype. It is fully After Dark compatible, and painted in the updated Daylight livery. Enjoy!
Unlike my usual passenger trains, this one does NOT feature line colors and will always appear in the Coast Range Oceanview livery. This train will overhang most stations for Cities:Skylines, but this was necessary to create a more realistic length of train.
Vehicle Effects is required! This train comes with smoke, whistles, and custom steam sounds, and without it, would look quite boring. Custom sounds specific to the distinctive GS-4 whistle and horn are coming soon.
For more trains, view the collection:
Let me know what other trains you want to see in the comments!
Prop versions of all car types coming eventually.