NEW: POLYNESIA 2.0. I had to replace the theme file entirely. Any update of this file just didn’t work right. The new one does and is much improved. GET IT HERE:
March 26th:
* Since the latest update there are several problems. I too have crazy things going on like gravel appearing where roads join each other and checkerboard waves. Those are problems with the game, not an issue with this theme. So, either I produce a totally new theme that does not customize roads and other textures affected, or we wait for a solution to be found by the devs. Sorry, it’s affecting me too.
* If you’re getting an issue that says “would you like to use a default tropical theme”, that one is my fault. I goofed when trying to send you out a fixed Polynesia theme by adding “v3” to the end of the file name. Apparently you have to have the exact same file name for the theme. Sigh. Let me know if your existing city says that at startup still. I need to know whether what I have done today fixes that or not. Thanks for helping in this group effort!
See bottom for regular update details!
***Help me and this theme out! We still can’t see some things inside the Map Theme editor, so your eyes as well as your opinions as a player will be helpful! There will be things we both will want to change, so definitely share your ideas and thoughts!***
Big changes that you will notice when using this theme:
– Trying to get clearer skies than vanilla tropical sky, almost no fog events
– Tropical soft, pinkish skies during setting sun
– A bit more rain than vanilla
– More stable temperature range than vanilla tropical due to maritime influence on Polynesian/Melanesian islands (Wikipedia is our map theme climate programming friend!)
Polynesia Map Theme for tropical maps This is the New Caledonia / Paradise Reef / Lost Island terrain texture pack, in its new iteration. It simulates the looks (and now the climates and atmosphere!) of lush, verdant green islands on finds across Polynesia and Melanesia, from New Caledonia all the way up to Hawaii. It simulates things like climate (as just one example) and a few visual changes like the more brilliant nighttime skies you would have because of the lack of light pollution. Enjoy the brighter stars and visible Milky Way!
About this theme:
So that you can continue having fun with your New Caledonia, Paradise Reef or other similar terrain themed map, this new theme was created as a quick initial transfer of the New Caledonia textures and settings from the Terrain Theme Mod by TPB, with the additional data required by the new Map Theme system
Paradise Reef Map:
New Caledonia Map:
Updates will reach you automatically via subscription and will feed into your game with this theme automatically (if I understand this correcly), so you may notice it start looking better as time goes on! ?
19 Feb 2016:
– Altered Rayleigh and (whatshernameagain) Scattering to fix setting sun disappearing act
– Increased sun size a little, to compensate for loss of daytime sun caused by changes in scattering sliders
– Fiddled with Latitude to see what happens. Moved to close to Equator
8 March 2016
– Fertile resource changed from default yellow-green to nearly the same as grass color.
– Darker road textures with weathered (sun bleached) look. Hopefully it looks the same in-game. See picture above for how it looks. Mild change was the goal
23 March 2016
– Ruined texture changed significantly. This means there is no longer green on the sand when items are placed down. Unfortunately this is also the same color that appears between cliffside and grass, so we have to find a happy medium between sand color and green verdant mountain of the Cliff texture. Work in progress, let me know how you feel about it
– Cliff texture saturation reduced, also yellow saturation reduced even further, slightly darker as well. Goal is to reduce the brightness and yellowish tinge, and matched with the new Ruined texture it hopefully adds some visual interest, rather than a monolithic wall of green as it was.
– Darker, brown colored pebbly gravel