Palm Trees – 5 in 1
A pack of 5 palm trees for your tropical landscapes.
I spent considerable time optimizing both the textures for a good look in-game, as well as editing the vertex normals on the models so the shading doesnt turn the plants black. However, most of the credit goes to Nobiax[nobiax.deviantart.com], for creating the models and providing the original textures too. Thanks Nobiax.
By subscribing to this item, you will get all 5 assets. If for any reason you don’t want them all, you can either:
Find the ones you don’t want in the Content Manger and disable them.
Navigate to your Steam workshop folder, find the folder of this workshop item (587483693), and delete the crp files of the items you don’t want.
I recommend using the first method.
If you unsubscribe to any of the 5 palms, the rest of them will be automatically removed as well.
All use 512px textures.
Diffuse, Alpha, Specular and Normal
Singles: 940tris
Duos: 1880tris
Trio: 2820tris
Screenshots taken using using Terrain Themes Mod, New Caledonia map and theme.
Textures optimized for, and Images taken using Tropical LUT and BloodyPenguin’s Daylight Classic mod. Can’t guarantee perfect match for all biomes.
Due to the way the game creates LOD’s for trees, the palms look pretty crappy from far away, sorry but until CO makes a way to fix this, I can’t do anything about it.
Finally, the Single Straight palm is exactly the same model as a palm tree I published a while back, except it looks a lot better because I tweaked the textures for a better color and removed the black shadows. You can either keep them both, or remove the old one, as it looks like crap :p
If you like my work and would like to support me, donations are always extremely appreciated ?