Park People Generator Pack (PPG)
I quite like to build some beautiful parks and I noticed also some youtubers (Freshpopcorn, CONFLICTNERD Dylan and Strictoaster) do this and we always have a single problem: beautiful parks that has no function and people in the city just dont use. To fix this I created this package with some benches, tables and invisible parks (1×1, 2×2 and 3×3) that will bring people to your custom parks.
• Don’t need road connection:
Place your parks where you please, but remember to give people some way to get into your park.
• No need electricity and water
• It doesnt generate garbage.
• Still need access to police vehicles if you do not want crimes there.
***This is a park pack. This is not a mod.***
• Thumbnails, names and position on park menu updated. Now is ez to find this pack.
• Tables, benchs, etc now are square parks to make it ez to rotate to right angle.
• Follow the images on slide show to undestand how it works
• Thanks friends for feedback me. It always help us to make things better.
• If you find any other problem comment bellow
• Enjoy.
PS: B.R.M (TROPICAL) Theme used on screenshots.