I uploaded a set of 6 Parking Lots with INGAME THUMBNAIL and a nice BACKGROUND PICTURE.
I like my spots very simple and without any decoration, but it’s up to you if you want to add some for yourselves in the asset editor.
All Parking Lots don’t produce garbage, don’t need water/electricity and have no effects on tourists (all values are 0, except cost and maintanance… see below) !!!
With version 1.1 came along some new settings in the asset editor:
availability –> Game & Asset
Flatten terrain –> yes (though I don’t see a big difference)
Circular, Expand front yard, Use color variation –> no
1×1 (3 Spots) –> 250 (cost), 6 (maintanance)
1×3 (9 Spots) –> 750, 18
1×4 (12 Spots) –> 1000, 24
2×2 (12 Spots) –> 1000, 24
2×3 (18 Spots) –> 1500, 36
4×4 (48 Spots) –> 4000, 96
Subscribe to all 6 and you should be fine with parking and have a nice overview in your game!