Pegasus Plaza
Pegasus Plaza is a level 2 unique building using the template milestones of “Fountain of life and death” (unlocks when one full lifetime has been spent in your city). The marble statue depicts the winged horse Pegasus (Pegasos), a divine creature of Greek mythology.
The statue is lit up at night, but After Dark DLC is not required. No custom props or mods are required.
Size: 6 x 6
Type: Level 2 unique building
Construction cost: 30 000
Maintenance cost: 300
Entertainment accumulation: 200
Entertainment radius: 500
Attractiveness accumulation: 5
Noise accumulation: 5 (but radius only 1)
Workers: uneducated 1 (someone needs to clean all the pigeon poop…) + educated 1 +, well educated 1+ highly educated 1.
Electricity use: 10
Water/sewage: 10/10
Garbage accumulation: 2
I did not do all the 3D modeling. I started the project with a model I found in 3D Warehouse (similar models are published there by many people, I would like to credit the original author but I do not know who that would be…). I edited the model to reduce the number of polygons (it was quite messy and high-poly). I made the base for the statue and the textures.