Pennsylvania Railroad Suburban Station
“Suburban Station” here refers to the fact that all Pennsylvania Railroad suburban trains into Philadelphia terminated here, not that the station was in any way suburban itself.
Opened in 1930 to replace the then-soon-to-be obsolete Broad Street Station, Suburban Station has served generations of Philadelphia commuters ever since, under Penn Central, Conrail, and now SEPTA.
In Cities:Skylines, this asset has three underground (-24m) tracks which connect directly to both street level and to your underground pedestrian network.
I recommend using natureboy’s Modular Metro Collecton (http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=577719153) if you want to link it up to your metro network directly.
This building is also RICO-enabled, and is a true-mixed use building. It will provide 20 commercial services and 80 commercial office jobs when ploppable RICO is installed; otherwise it will simply function as a train station.
There are roughly 20,000 triangles in the model, with a 1024 x 512 texture. The LOD has something like 200 triangles at most. (sorry for the filesize)
Sub-buildings enabler and Extra Train Station Tracks are required for this mod to function.
Known bugs:
-If you connect pedestrian paths in the wrong way it might add a weird tunnel entrance. Try to avoid connecting except at the four provided stub ends.
-Sometimes placing train stops is tricky — just jimmy the cursor around and you should get it eventually. Transport Line Rendering Fix (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714056356&searchtext=render) is your friend here.
-I think some of the paths are broken but all platforms are accessible. I’ll fix this in the morning when I am hungover.