Ploppable RICO
This mod will allow you to plop buildings that function as:
- Residential
- Industrial
- Commerical
- Office
The Ploppable RICO mod will convert any compatible ploppable asset to a RICO building.
For example, parks can be converted to farms, and unique buildings to offices. RICO buildings will function identically to their growable counterparts. Mixed use buildings and unlimited footprint sizes are also possible with Sub-Buildings Enabler and Sub-Buildings Tabs.
Assets can be made to be compatible with the mod, but the mod won’t be required.
Asset authors will just need to include a .xml file that contains the RICO settings. The assets will revert back to their original ploppable function if the mod is disabled, and non RICO mod subscribers can still use the asset for its original purpose.
For asset makers who want to make their assets RICO compatible, you can follow the
Asset Creation Guide. Check out the Advanced Guide if you want to experiment with mixed use assets.
The Settings Panel Guide can be found here.
To convert growable assets to RICO assets, follow the Growables with Ploppable RICO Guide.
To get started, you can sub to the RICO Workshop Settings mod. It adds RICO settings to 74 popular assets that don’t have existing RICO settings. It also adds RICO settings to a few generic vanilla unique building assets.
The RICO mod is fully compatilble with the PropaneDragon’s Rush Hour mod and WG’s Realistic Population mod.
A huge thanks to Boformer, Tailgunner, and BloodyPenguin for all of the design input and code they’ve contributed. Also a huge thanks to cope for his detours library. And a final thanks to SamSamTS for his UI objects used in the settings panel.
Source Code[github.com]
You can see the mod in action in Keralis’s and Strictoaster’s popular YouTube series.