Police Helicopter (READ DESCRIPTION)
Get to the choppa !!!!!!
Well you couldn’t… until now.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS (no, seriously, important stuff ahead…)
This asset has limitations. Do NOT complain, I’ll list each and every one of them here.
I’ll start with how this asset works :
This asset is build on a police car template. It consists of a police car… and 100m up in the air… a helicopter.
Then here are the limitations :
This helicopter won’t go over buildings, it will follow roads, but at an altitude of 100m…
This helicopter does not like steep roads (I’ll let you imagine why). If the transition is not too harsh it’s ok. If you have built a rollercoaster road, well it will look a bit funny ?
This helicopter does not like tunnels (huh ?).
This helicopter won’t lift off or land. It’ll spawn and despawn (but as it is built on a police car template it’ll not despawn very often).
This helicopter will get stuck in traffic jams (not my fault, yours). (But it will actually lok like it’s surveilling the traffic… it’s not a bad thing ? )
This helicopter comes together with 5 bonus police cars… why ??? Because if you just added it to your game, half your police cars would have a police helicopter attached… and it would look very crowded up there, so here you are, 5 bonus police cars for you.
You are lucky actually, because I retextured them (have a look at the preview pics). The lod is better too.
The police car has the same stats as the vanilla one. 618 tris/40 lod. But bigger texture (512*256 instead of 256*128)
The Helicopter is 1727 tris and 166 lod. It might seem a bit high but remember it is the tri count for the chopper AND the car below)
The car under the helicopter can’t have its headlights on, sorry, it is a limitation of the game. If we find a way to lift this, I’ll update immediately.
VERY IMPORTANT !!!! ——————–
If you unsubscribe one of the cars attached, you will actually unsubscribe everything included here, so if you think there are too much of them (and want more choppers), do not unsub, but just disable them.
Ok… it was a long read. Now have fun and enjoy your game ?
Cool_Z – Zed68