PRR F7 Freight Train
PRR F7 Freight Train
Consists of
PRR F7A units reskinned with permission from Acc3ss Violation’s original model. (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=617602386&tscn=1471079939)
Hooker Chemicals Tank Car
Sinclair Oil Tank Car
UTLX Tank Car
Pennsylvania Railroad Flatcar
Erie Lackawanna Boxcar
Penn Central Boxcar
Pennsylvania Railroad Boxcar
New York Central Boxcar (ew)
New York, New Haven, & Hartford Boxcar
Philadelphia & Reading Boxcar
Bangor & Aroostook “State of Main Products” Boxcar
Pennsylvania Railroad N5C Cabin Car
Original PSDs, model files, etc. for any of the above available on request if you want to reskin — sorry, I no longer have the PSDs for the cabin car.