PV solar energy park 4×4 W
PV solar energy park 4×4 W by makemakey
A smaller area version of the 4×16 Photovoltaic solar energy park,
More suitable for hilly areas and to make non square shaped parks in combination with the E, N, W versions.
Photovoltaic solar energy park by makemakey; build your own solar farm!
Provides 2 MW green energy
Building $ 3400
Running $ 8 /w
Area 4×4
Pollution 0
Noise 0
E (east) version
N (south) version
S (south) version
Idea is that a PV solar park uses more area and is more expensive to build initially then wind, however its upside is no noise and low running cost (analogy to real life, almost no maintenance or moving parts)
Compare with wind
Provides 4-8 MW green energy
Building $ 6000
Running $ 80 /w
Area ~4×4
Pollution 0
Noise 75
Solar thermal energy park by makemakey
Provides 10 MW of green energy, at 5×14 area, but needs a bit of water for the steam turbines.
Building $ 8000
Running $ 64 /w
Area 5×14
Pollution 0
Noise 20
needs water 240/m3 W
Update 1; added low LOD model, optimized textures.
Update 2; LOD reflection works now (patch 1.06), optimized poly (Tris) count, game balance; more power output, lower build cost.
Stats about the model (blender)
Main model 44 faces , 102 Tris; diffusive, specular and alpha textures: 1024×1024
LOD model 16 faces, 48 Tris