Quad’s Project Utopia
To respect the past, we embrace the future.
– Assets: 3 = Omicron, Iota, Lambda
– Residential: Low, Level 5 (highest)
– 2×2, 2×3, 2×4 / 3×3, 3×4 / 4×4
– Tri: 1534 / 1336 / 1696
– LOD Tri: 112 / 110 / 110
– The asset(s) is normally a growable. To plop, see Quad Architecture and Ploppable RICO mod.
Conceptual Notes
– The first concept of Project Utopia is the alphabet Lambda. The asset was modeled after our favorite wavelength symbol itself.
– The low-density was forgotten for so long. Well, not anymore. Someone (yeah, you know who you are) reminded me.
– There is still a lots of Greek letters left.
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