Quad’s Sanctuary
Look natural.
– 12×12
– Monument (Not really), Park: Others
– Sub-buildings: Pumping Station, Water Treatment
– Tri: 4121
– LOD Tri: 392
– Description: A massive futuristic park and a massive water purifier over a canal.
– v2: Improved models and textures, changed the attribute to park, pumping station and water treatment; changed the category to Park: Others, adjusted stats
– Cost: 100000
– Upkeep: 1600 per week
– Water Production: 640000
– Sewage Treatment: 640000
– Workers: 50/50/100/100
– Visitors: 50/50/50
– Entertainment: 200
– Radius: 1000
– Summary: Is a hybrid of park, pumping station and water treatment, futuristic, gigantic and expensive park and massive water purifier, high radius, has no noise pollution and no fire hazard.
Conceptual Notes
– This building was supposed to be a monument where it was both an overpowered water provider and treatment source like its counterparts. It was equivalent to 20 Water Purifiers and could be built once. However, the AI change does not allow it to be an actual monument nor having a water connection, thus becoming non-functional. Therefore, this building is now under the category of a water utility with the equivalent of 10 Water Purifier, and now 5 due to the Water Distribution Range issue, but you can build multiple. Nonetheless, I treat this as a Monument building according to my weird ideal and the color tag.
Known Issues
– You may need to re-build the existing Sanctuary to have the sub-building appeared correctly.
– Due to the limit of water distribution range for each water provider/treatment, this building cannot stand alone as the water range will not reach the entire city. Now that the stat is adjusted, you are required to build a few to fulfill the big city demand, thus having further range for the water distribution.
At least 2-3 Sanctuaries with no other water-related structures are needed to filled the entire 3×3 city. The other water-related structures can help increasing the range as well.
Special Thanks
– Shroomblaze for some advices
– BloodyPenguin for some advices and useful Modtools
– Snow_Cat for Asset Changers
– Avanya for sub-building discussion
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