Quad’s Stardeck
Farverse is our limit.
– Airport
– 16×8, Runways, No-clipping part
– Tri: 1954
– LOD: 248
– Note: The Space Elevator and International Airport will hog most of the incoming tourists, causing some transportation such as planes, passenger trains and cruise ships to spawn way less.
– Update (v2): Adjusted stat, Changed template.
– Stat
Cost – 150000
Upkeep – 4800/week
Electricity Usage: 2400kw
Water Usage: 480
Sewage Usage: 480
Workers: 0/50/50/50
Noise Pollution: 150
Summary: Has same stats as the vanilla airport but more electricity comsumption.
– Set, Stardeck
Stardeck Hanger
Stardeck Terminal
Stardeck Tower
Stardeck No-runways
– Known Issues
The airplanes may take sometimes to spawn (3-7 days). The planes do arrive eventually.
The airport may be outshined by the Internation Airport and Space Elevator.
– Special Thanks
Bloody Penguin for infomation and helped fixing the airport as we know it.
Tomcat for airport asset bug and glitch discussion.
Drosovilas for Drosovilas’ Airport 1.0 for the initial asset. Due to the fact that the vanilla airport asset in the post-AD patch seems to cause the broken asset issue once created. So the pre-AD Airport asset is needed for anyone to create a new airport asset, at least for my PC. Now the template has changed back to the vanilla.
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Sadly, the plan of taking over the world doesn’t work out so well.