Quad’s Surfeit
Everybody wants to rule the world.
– 12×12 (noclip)
– Unique: Level 6
– Tri: 5920
– LOD Tri: 536
– Description: Massive, self-sustain and environmental-friendly manufacturer and industry, nicknamed Scroched Earth.
– v2: Fixed illumination maps.
– Cost: 200000
– Upkeep: 800 per week
– Workers: 120/200/200/200
– Visitors: 100/100/100
– Attractiveness: 15
– Entertainment: 150
– Radius: 600
– Pollution: Noise – 50/50
– Summary: Is futuristic, gigantic and expensive, has high resource usage, low maintenance cost, medium radius, medium noise pollution and no fire hazard.
– This asset uses UNCF Vertigo (prop). It is not required, however.
Conceptual Notes
– Massively Futuristic Season’s asset.
– This building is 360 meter tall, a massive building to say the least.
– The asset was based on Plymouth Arcologies from Simcity 2000, but it is never meant to be one as we already have Plymouth in the workshop, and this is much larger.
– During the development as the Natural Disaster DLC was annouced the release date, the asset was determined to be a super shelter rather than Unique or industrial. The design was scrapped shortly after.
– The asset was much darker during the design, but the finished version is brighter to go along with the other Massively Futuristic Season’s assets.
– The asset was meant to be much larger (around 14×14), the blueprint, however, has its limit.
– A lots of detail were removed to reduce tri-counts.
– This asset is meant to be industrial in the future, Ploppable RICO for Massively Futuristic Season is coming soon.
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