Quayset – Nr.06 – Cap Right
This set has 6 pieces to let you build your own small or big Cityharbour like in many European Cities. The assets align to a street for better positioning and handling.
The Quays comes with just a small amount of details like Fences, benches and Lifevests. You have plenty space to decorate them! They goes very fine with my piers.
Flatten the area before laying the roads (needs to be straight) and also flatten the bay like 3-5 m for bests results.
The long models have a width of 10 Squares, the corner is 5×5 and the caps 6×5.
Set contains:
Simple Quay
Quay with a little stonepier
Quay with a Ramp and bigger pier
Cap for the left and for the right.
All quays have pedestrian paths and hangouts – so you will have citizens on it – nice to place Kiosks etc near to them. For that the Quays need Roadaccess!
Allquays share the same Texture – if you use the Loading Screen Mod this Texture will be loaded just one time!
Model :
Verts: 721
Faces: 462
Tris: 988
Texture 1024*1024
Verts: 29
Faces: 16
Tris: 43
Texture 128*128
FindIt –
MoveIt –
LoadingScreenMod –