Quillman Building
Quillman Building is a tall office building accommodates large offices where copious amounts of paper work are handled.
This building is the highest version of Quill Building and Quiller Building, so if you want this building to spawn, you need to subscribe to both buildings or any level 1 and level 2 3×3 “corner” office buildings.
Quill Building :
Quiller Building :
I just created as an extra on a way to make David Stott Building and I’m glad that I did that since it looks very generic high-rise building in American cities. (New York, Chicago, Philadelpiha or Detroit, you name it.)
Asset Info:
Growable(Corner) – 3×3 – Level 3 Office Building
MODEL – 2,790 triangles with 1024×1024 textures (d,c,i,n,s)
LOD – 81 triangles with 128×128 textures (d,c,i,s)