Rade de Marie, Nouveau Sud Bretagne
Rade de Marie is a locale in fictional Nouveau Sud Bretagne, an Australia-like country that was colonized by the French instead of the British.
The Rade (Roadstead) is similar but smaller than the real life Sydney Harbour, and is named after Marie Leszcyńska[en.wikipedia.org] (1703 – 1768), Queen Consort of Louis XV[en.wikipedia.org], King of France (1715 – 1774). It is situated along the coast of Nouveau Sud Bretagne (New South Brittany), so named for its similarity to the Brittany coast[www.google.com.au] , especially Rade de Brest.
- Highly detailed completely hand-built terrain, with no less than 50 watercouses, most no bigger than a stream (as small as the game allows).
- Two large rias[en.wikipedia.org], and one smaller one, featuring many coves and bays, allows you create a busy working harbour for most of their lengths.
- The coast features jagged cliffs and curving beaches, to allow you to make a Bondi and Sydney Heads of your own.
- Three Railways and four national road highways snake their way across the landscape. One railway crosses the map top-bottom, one comes in and connects from the left (see CSL map in the images) and a spur line goes into the starting tile. One highway goes from the left to bottom, one connects to the prior from the bottom left, and one connects from the top. A spur highway goes into the starting tile.
- Shipping routes enter the harbour area and spur off into the coves and bays allowing shipping to reach as far as the road bridges.
- Plane routes are along the coast and from the top-left corner to centre right.
- The map is designed for all 81 tiles.
The map was suppose to be more detailed than it is, however at the level of detail I wanted, the hard limits of the number of trees (just over a million) and props (~65000) would be reached before I would reach halfway done.
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The map theme and lut are only a recommendation; if you want to use another theme it must be temperate, and i suggest to use one with easily defined cliffs.